since September 2009, every 1st week i was ordered to go to Menara MBf for collecting monies & documents(xtra). Taking AKLEH highway is very convenient. at 1 st time, i felt kinda---which way i have to use?? Jalan Ampang to Jalan Sultan Ismail is very hectic. and on the way back to Ampang Point is again made me headache. out to Jalan Sultan Ismail, i overlap to Jalan Bukit Bintang???what the....!!!and then have to find back AKLEH...
now it seem more easy to going back...make sure taking right lane, to KLCC, not to the parking tunnel please...right..right and always right...owh i love to learn new lane! KL road is fun-tasteC! if u lost, dont be sad or mad, calm yourself as i did.
maintenance office at LG1
owh what is the job that i should do? collecting cash, cheque-payments from tenants, documents..sending cheques, get info for any to my boss...bla..bla..bla...well its fun actually to be selected. at least i can see other views than seeing the same location and people! huh...
muke xbleh blah..!!
ni masa kakak kurus erk., hehe2
BalasPadamWak ni citer dah 8 tahun. Memanglah kurus je...haha..