once again, 3 of us - me, azrena & ping went out together. but a cute little boy join us today; adham aka boboy (why 1st son always call boboy huh??). as usual, i am the driver...so,you guys, please pay for toll & parking..hehe thank you!! we took DUKE to PJ/Damansara as MRR2 is just like a hell in jammed through Penchala Link and straight to The Curve, Damansara...uh it just playful plan last nite, but i did the promise to my friend Azrena as she never went to The Curve..ala keciannye dier...
we enter the parking lot at 12:30pm..not so hard, even so many car parked but one of guard show us the empty parking..thanks to you la...ekkk...so..as we are hungry already..we move to little penang cafe for lunch-me is brunch la... i order Siamese Laksa & Chinese tea. ermm this is the best Siamese laksa lol...pedas tapi sedap giler...
after that we walk through small stall. bestnya dekat the curve ni byk brg2 yg dijual jrg dijumpai..tp satu pun kitorg tak beli..i only bought a pack of strawberries from Cameron Highland for RM4/pack. then boboy nampak stall twisties pulak. ingatkan apala, maybe dpt beli twisties murah. org tak ramai sgt time tu..jadi kitorg masuk je beli jajan murah2..sekali...mcm2 privileges dpt..konsert twisties rupanya...yelah ada sorg kwn dlm facebook ada bgtau tp tak mention pulak ade twisties aktiviti...hai panas2 pun sanggup la beratur nak amik gambar free punya pasal...nak main game gitar dah ckp geng tp kitorg tak pandai main....hadiah nasib baik boleh cecah cash RM1,000.00 tau...
kemudian cuaca dah berubah sikit..oh this morning, Salleha; my fren from Jab. kajicuaca dah mention petg hujan&ribut petir..so sebelum ribut jom blah masuk The Curve balik...solat zuhur kejap...pastu we all bergerak ke Ikano Power Centre tgk barang, baju2, kasut2 tapi tak beli..Azrena beli beg kuning dekat The Curve..eleh..aku tak sakit hati sgt sbb beg tu kain kanvas......
kemudian cuaca dah berubah sikit..oh this morning, Salleha; my fren from Jab. kajicuaca dah mention petg hujan&ribut petir..so sebelum ribut jom blah masuk The Curve balik...solat zuhur kejap...pastu we all bergerak ke Ikano Power Centre tgk barang, baju2, kasut2 tapi tak beli..Azrena beli beg kuning dekat The Curve..eleh..aku tak sakit hati sgt sbb beg tu kain kanvas......
then kami gerak ke Ikea utk tea break..ramai giler org tp beratur je sbb nak makan aiskrim kon RM1 punya pasal..pastu beli karipap dgn air soda RM2 je ..air boleh refill lagi tp aku dah kembung tak refill la..

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