Isnin, 3 Oktober 2011

Amazing Days

after a few days i went to office with Ping by her car - drive by her father, by this week i drive my baby back. hoooo yeh.

yes, i sleep at my friend's house. Ann's house. starting yesterday. because why? because i need to go site office this week. and i need to drive to go there.

parking my baby at my home area is imposibble. there is too many crowds at night. making me hard to go and back and to find parking. and suddenly some people take an advantange from this festival. charging parkers for almost RM5!. this is insane. me don't want to find trouble. me want to stay calm and good.

back to my old rent house, i need to wake up so early. i finish my foundation touch up at 7.00am today. arrived at Rasyid Restaurant at 7.30am! i drive a sloath? nope nope...

finish my breakfast at 7.50am and have to wait until guard open the basement car park area..waiting that, i play PSP and the battery suddenly off. oh how many days i am not charge it? 

this is AMAZING!

ini diluar kebiasaan habit saya.

saya biasanya start enjin kereta jam 9.00 pagi.

6 ulasan:

  1. nasib umah Ann ampang leh la tumpang tumpang..hehe

  2. suke...suke...leh blajar bahasa inggeris.simple english.ratu ni paham insyaAllah...nak bina ayat tu mak oi...ketaq pale lutut...ehehe..

  3. satu perubahan yg positive...
    sampai kat opis awalllllll pagggiiiiii....

  4. Bila satu rutin biasa berubah, rutin lain pun ikut tertukar sama.

  5. sudahnya malam2 mengantuk awal. nak tido cepat je sebab esok automatik mata open jam 6 pagi...huhu...kalau tak sebab alarm handphone...tersasar jugak kot..


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