Ahad, 18 Disember 2011

I'm A Shopaholic?

i don't think so.
could you describe yourselves about your fashion tips?

i spent when it sales.
more, i make sure that i paid everything i should before.

yeah somehow i am impulse shopper. then i regret it later.

the best thing, bring a friend to make sure you choose the right one. but please bring the right friend also. wrong friend would make you spend more.

enough. i just watched Shopaholic Movie and i enjoy it.

by the way, i never have a single credit card. i paid everything in cash.

and i am really sympathy with a young men/women who had broke because of not paying credit card bills.

don't be.

4 ulasan:

  1. Shopaholic Movie??
    Muvie baru ke??Sape berlakon eh??
    hehe! =P

  2. citer lama kan beb si rebecca ...aku skrang jadi shoppaholic barang baby lak...huhuh..brg sendiri dah tak minat sgt

  3. sy ni kalu xdi sekat n pantau mmg shopaholic eri chan..nasib lah asben ada..dialah byk mngajar sy..hehehee

    sama lah sy pun xde credit card...asben pun sama..Alhamdulillah.

    berbelanja ikut kemampuan...

  4. jom kita pegi shopping sama2...i'm the right friend lol


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